How to Use Listen & Speak (Audio Smart Review)
We just launched Listen & Speak, a new audio-only Smart Review mode, so now you have a way to review phrases hands-free and offline. 😉
Here's how it works:
- Click Custom Audio
- Choose the number of cards you'd like to review (choosing a higher number may disable certain options due to large file size)
- Select any other options you'd like
- Choose a background music (or select None)
- Click Generate Audio
- Now you can listen to and/or Download the audio file. (to your computer, or to the Downloads folder in the app)
- It will play phrases in English, give you a pause to say it in Portuguese, and then you'll hear the Portuguese to check yourself. (Keep in mind there are often multiple correct answers, so we'll just give you an example.)
- Later when you reload or return to the same page, the phrases are shown so you can mark them correct or incorrect. (Or you can click Mark Pending Review to do it right away.) If you'd rather skip this part, just click Discard Audio Review.
If you're new to the site, keep in mind that you need to add phrases to your Smart Review first before Listen & Speak will be available. As you work through the Units, you'll have the opportunity to do so throughout the Learning Notes, and at the end of each Lesson. You can also add them from the Vocabulary / Expressions list for the episodes under the Practice tab.
How to Subscribe as a Podcast
- Click the Subscribe as Podcast button
- Copy the URL
- Open whichever podcast app you use and find the option to Add a Show by URL. Paste the URL there and add it.
- Once that is complete, every time you generate a review from the Listen & Speak page, it will automatically add it to that "show" in your Podcast app.
Other Questions / Issues?
Contact us by email or via the forum if you have any questions we didn't cover here, or if you run into any technical issues. We're happy to help!
Watch here for more details on how this works (you'll notice we've made some changes to the design since creating this video, though):