Questions about Clitic Object Pronouns
We get a lot of questions about the complexities of clitic object pronouns! These are a difficult, but important, grammatical feature of the Portuguese language.
The best place to start is with our unit called Clitic Pronouns.
Within this unit, you'll be guided through articles about using clitic pronouns, and lessons where you can put this knowledge into practice. Be patient! It takes time to wrap your head around these concepts, but it will make more sense as you see more and more examples. There's a lot to digest, so we recommend repeating this unit a few times until you're more comfortable. Here are some quick links to the learning notes related to clitic object pronouns:
- Portuguese Clitic Object Pronouns
- Direct and Indirect Objects
- Me and Te
- 3rd Person Clitic Pronouns
- Nos and Vos
- Merging Clitic Object Pronouns
- Verb Phrases and Clitic Pronouns
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